Psoriasis Awareness Month

Welcome to another Wellness Wednesday! August is Psoriasis Awareness Month so today, we are sharing some information about psoriasis.

What is Psoriasis?

Psoriasis (suh-RYE-uh-sus) is a long-lasting (chronic) disease  that causes skin cells to build up on the surface of the skin, forming itchy red raised areas (plaques) and thick scales. It can appear anywhere on the body, but is most commonly found on the scalp, knees, elbows, and torso. Overtime, psoriasis can get better or worse. It may go away completely before suddenly reappearing.

For some kids, psoriasis is just a minor inconvenience, but for some it can be quite serious. Psoriasis can lead kids to feel self-conscious about their appearance. Sometimes that affects their emotions, and some kids may develop low self-esteem and even depression as a result.


Right now, there’s no cure for psoriasis, but there are many good options available to treat psoriasis symptoms. Lifestyle changes, such as maintaining a healthy diet and weight, also can help ease the symptoms.


Doctors aren’t sure why people get psoriasis, but they do know how the disease works. Remember, Psoriasis isn’t contagious. Some people inherit the genes that make them more likely to having it. Many with psoriasis have an immediate family member who also has the disease.

Check out this infographic for more information:


For more information, click here and here.

What topic would you like to see covered in our Wellness Wednesdays? Tell us in the comments!

  1. Dermatology Associates of Atlanta
  2. Kids Health – Psoriasis
  3. National Psoriasis Foundation

Fact Friday – Immunizations

Immunization is the process where a person is made immune or resistant to an infectious disease, typically by the administration of a vaccine (medicine).

Did you know?

  • Immunization prevents between 2-3 million deaths every year.
  • Most diseases prevented by vaccines are no longer common in the United States. If vaccines weren’t used, just a few cases could quickly turn into tens or hundreds of thousands.
  • In the past 60 years, vaccines helped eradicate (eliminate) smallpox and are close to eradicating polio.

Why is this important?

Immunizations help prevent diseases from spreading. They protect against diseases, are very safe and effective, and can save lives!

These are just a few quick facts about immunizations and vaccines. To learn more check out this link here.

Check out this week’s Wellness Wednesday post to learn more about National Immunization Awareness Month. Click here.

10 Facts on Immunization
11 Facts About Vaccines

Fun Facts Friday – Sun Exposure

Did You Know?

  • Exposure to the sun is a source of vitamin D (helps our bodies absorb calcium which results in stronger, healthier bones), but it does not require much exposure to get the needed amount of Vitamin D.
  • The main source of ultraviolet (UV) radiation is from the sun. About 95% of UVA rays reach the earth while 5% are UVB rays.
  • Overexposure to the sun can cause skin damage, eye damage, immune system suppression, and skin cancer.
  • UV rays are the strongest between 10am and 4 pm, and during spring and summer months.

Sun Safety Tips:

  • Seek shade when the sun’s UV rays are the strongest
  • Cover up your skin, such as wearing hat with wide brim, long-sleeved shirt or long pants
  • Use sunscreen regularly
  • Wear sunglasses



  1. American Cancer Society – Ultraviolet (UV) Radiation
  2. Kids Health – Sun Safety